future n. 1.未来,将来。 2.前途,远景。 3.〔pl.〕 【商业】期货,期货交易。 4.〔俚语〕未婚夫,未婚妻。 5.【语言学】将来时,将来式。 future delivery 期货交割。 have a future 有前途,将来有希望。 have no future没有前途,前途无望。 deal in futures 作期货交易。 for the future = in future. in (the) future 将来,今后。 ★ in the future比 in future常用。 in the near [no distant] future 在不久的将来。 adj. 未来的,将来的;【语法】将来时的。 future life 来世。 future ages [generations] 后代,后世。 adj. -less 没有前途的,前途无望的。
Keep your opinions to yourself in future ! 你有意见留给自己用吧!
Shortcomings will be remedied in future editions ... 罅漏之处,有待订补。
We may find it useful in future . 这东西日后可能用得着。
Please be punctual in future . 今后请准时。
"this would be taken into account in future mining operations," he said . 他说,“将来在布雷时应当考虑到这一点。”
In future we shall drop the adjective "geometrical" when there is no risk of confusion . 以后,当无混淆之弊时,我们将去掉形容词“几何”二字。
Patsy seemed to have the kind of resilience which would be helpful to her in future . 佩西似乎有一种不折不挠的气质,这对她今后的工作有帮助的。
She dared not leave things that in future years might be the foundation of a new idolatry . 她不敢使目前的事物在未来的岁月中成为一种新的偶像崇拜的基础。
In future , astronauts will be required to descend from a spaceship while it is still in space and to return to it . 将来,要求宇航员从停在太空中的宇宙飞船里出来,然后再回到船上。
Some of the early results of these new methods have been included, and many more will surely appear in future editions . 有关这些新方法的某些初步成果已得到反映,预计在今后几版内会得到更多的反映。